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Easy Steps to Fix HP Printer Offline Problem

HP Printer Offline

· HP Printer Support

While using HP Printer, the most common problem that you may face is printer gets offline. If you don’t have in depth technical knowledge related to the HP printer device, you may fail to resolve HP Printer Offline issue on your own. However, there are several reasons to come across this type of issue but in most cases, such an issue occurs due to the communication problem with the printer and the computer. May be both these devices are not appropriately connected with each other. Therefore, test the connection first and then resolve this issue so that it will easily be eliminated. So to eradicate the issue of HP Printer Offline, perform the below suggested steps. To take help from the experts, contact HP Printer Support.

Easy Steps to Fix HP Printer Offline Problem

Methods to Fix HP Printer Offline Problem

To get this offline printer online, make sure that the printer is connected to your computer correctly. Have a look at the below mentioned points to terminate this annoying faults from your printer device.

  • Restart your printer and wait for a while till the printer is fully ready.
  • After that, test the connectivity and ensure that the cables are tightly attached for USB and Ethernet cable.
  • If you are using the wireless connection, ensure that you are connected to the correct network, internet access, and IP address.
  • After that, execute Test Print.

If the same problem is still there, then move to the next steps that are mentioned below.

  • Go to the “Printers and Devices” option from the Control Panel.
  • Now, choose your printer and give a right click on that option to open a drop down menu.
  • Tap on “See what’s printing”.
  • Hit on “Set as default printer” option.
  • Below the ‘set as default printer’ option, you can check your printer status- “offline or paused”.
  • If you see that the printer is paused, then just tap on “Resume printing”. You may also set your printer to print offline.
  • At last, Run Test Print.

If the above methods won’t work for you, then contact HP Printer Support Number. Experts will resolve your issue and give you the best tips and tricks to resolve it. The experts are available round the clock to help customers.